Why Gym goers/Athletes should get Massages regularly

There are several health benefits to receiving regular massages as part as a health routine, or fitness routine. All of these types of massages have shown benefits for athletes. Some of these benefits include: Increasing range of motion and flexibility, reducing inflammation, reducing pain, relaxing the body, preventing injury, and enhancing performance. 

Increases range of motion and flexibility

As an athlete, or even as a person who exercises regularly, increases range of motion and flexibility can help improve performance, prevent injury and speed up recovery time. Getting regular massages increases range and motion and flexibility by increasing blood flow to the muscle tissues, and fascia.  The increased blood circulation helps to relieve muscle tension, reduce soreness and make for a faster recovery according to Health and Fitness Magazine.

Reduces inflammation

Getting regular massages helps to keep your muscles happy and healthy by keeping the inflammation reduced. According to www.navacenter.com, during strenuous exercise, muscles experience a level of exercise induced trauma and inflammation. In order to heal this trauma and inflammation, the muscles within the body need a lot of energy.  Luckily, for athletes, massage helps to provide this energy.  Massage activates the release of that energy by creating mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell Therefore, the body has enough energy to repair the trauma that is done during a strenuous work out, and thus, reduces inflammation in the body.

Reduces pain

When there is inflammation in the body, there is usually also pain. Therefore, when we reduce our inflammation in the body, we are also reducing our pain. That sounds like a win/win for athletes who get massages. When we get massages our cells create more mitochondria. This supplies the body with more energy to support the healing process. Massage also "helps you reduce anxiety, stress and other negative factors, which in turn help promote the healing process.  (www.navacenter.com) 

Relaxes the body

Massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that promotes relaxation and rest. This is one of the greatest benefits ofmassage, athlete or not. Massage helps people relax, and let go of stress.  According to Health and Fitness Magazine, that relaxed, lowered-tension state encourages focus, a good thing to have before going into any sport, group exercise, or competition." The more relaxed you are, the better you will perform in your exercise. 

Prevents Injury

Massage helps to prevent injury. Since massage helps to reduce inflammation and increase range of motion and flexibility, this reduces the risk for injury as well. Many athletes experience injuries due to tensemuscles. Therefore, since massage helps to relax the muscles in the body, massage helps prevents injury. 

Enhances Performance

With an increased range of motion and flexibility, a relaxed and focus mind and body, reduced pain and inflammation in the body, and low risk for injury, your athletic performance is bound to be better than before. That best part of getting massage for athletes is how great you’ll feel doing whatever it is you love to do. With all of these added benefits you can expect your performance to be enhanced as well. 

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60min – 90min – 10min steaming